Follow the MAP: A Funded Journey to the Cloud

Kicking off a cloud project can feel like the start of a long, mysterious process, even if your company is already on the cloud. For many organizations, there’s plenty of uncertainty in how to achieve success. This is understandable because knowing how the cloud can benefit your business is a time-intensive process that’s reliant on the skills and experience of the team conducting the research. With so much to consider, it can be tempting to put it off until you have more time and resources available.

Luckily, AWS has a well-established process to help clients complete their cloud initiatives smoothly: the Migration Acceleration Program, or MAP. Our three-part blog series will walk you through the MAP process, so you know exactly what to expect at each stage. We’ll keep the technical jargon to a minimum — after all, you are focused on business value, not on techno-speak.

A Three-Part Process

AWS MAP is an appropriate acronym, as the program is meant to provide a reliable framework for success in your cloud initiatives. The MAP process consists of three distinct phases:

  1. Assess
  2. Mobilize
  3. Migrate and Modernize

Even though the Migration Acceleration Program mentions migration by name, MAP isn’t only for those in the process of moving to the cloud. The first step of assessing your project is focused on figuring out whether or not a cloud solution is appropriate for your unique application. In some cases, it might not be! But a trustworthy partner will be able to have the conversation to help you understand if the cloud is right for you. 

🧭 It’s worth noting there’s nothing stopping you from navigating the MAP process on your own. But AWS funding programs and AWS credits can only be accessed by working with a partner organization like JetSweep. While we may be biased, we think working with an experienced “river guide” will set you up for success long after the MAP framework is complete.

Assessment Time

A crucial component of the first phase of the MAP process is understanding the funding and costs associated with your project. Working with an AWS partner on your cloud initiatives can help you secure funding, especially for specific functions like migrating from VMware. JetSweep will not only identify funding opportunities, but also share our cloud knowledge and years of infrastructure and on-prem experience with your teams. We’ve been there, done that, and are ready to help your organization secure a strong cloud environment.

We have a long history of successful MAP projects, and our engineers have significant cloud and on-prem experience. So we know that a collaborative discussion between JetSweep and your team is key to a successful assessment phase of MAP. Many of our customers want to understand the funding piece early in the process, so we’ll ask you some questions to determine your options. We’ll also help you learn which AWS credits may be available. These credits can help offset some of the monthly costs once you’re up and running on the cloud. 

Moving Forward With MAP

Once your assessment phase is complete, you’ll be able to determine whether the cloud is the right fit for your project — and the funding that may be available to make it a reality. Our priority is ensuring you feel confident in your decision, even if you ultimately choose not to move forward.

This phase is also crucially important in getting to know the cloud partner who will be working alongside you in completing your cloud initiative. At JetSweep, we encourage you to come to this initial stage of the MAP process with all of your questions. The cloud can be complex, but we’re eager to clarify the potential applications for your business.

Our next blog post focuses on Mobilize, the second phase of MAP. But if you’re ready to kick off your migration now, let us know.

Ready to kick off your migration?