How To Securely Use Public Wi-Fi

Blog How To Securely Use Public Wi-Fi Remote work doesn’t just mean working from home, for many employees it means they will work from anywhere. If you walk into a coffee shop during the workweek, the likelihood of someone working on a laptop or tablet with private information is high. While finding ways to switch […]

A Basic Guide for Understanding Cloud Models

Blog A Basic Guide for Understanding Cloud Models When we say basic guide, we mean really basic. There are three cloud models: public, private, and hybrid. Think of the cloud industry as the real estate industry. There are apartment buildings that can house hundreds of tenants, people that own their homes, and a few other […]

Answers by the Experts: Managed Services

Blog Answers by the Experts: Managed Services You may have heard of managed services, but do you know what that means on the cloud? As more companies migrate their IT environments to the cloud, they turn to cloud managed services providers to help them get the most out of their environment. This month, we asked […]

The Business Continuity Basics

Blog The Business Continuity Basics The last year has put our collective understanding of preparedness to the test. For most businesses, the trifecta of COVID, increasingly hazardous weather events, and an onslaught of ransomware attacks have increased many organizations’ digital vulnerability and the risk of downtime or disaster. These threats have shown us the importance […]

Breaking IT Down: AWS CloudTrail

Blog Breaking IT Down: AWS CloudTrail What is AWS CloudTrail? AWS CloudTrail is a service that helps you enable governance, compliance, and operational and risk auditing of your AWS account. Its main function is to keep a continuous log of anything a user does or looks at that is related to the AWS Management Console. […]

Five Common Problem Areas for Cloud Cost Optimization

Blog Five Common Problem Areas for Cloud Cost Optimization In 2007, there was no such thing as the public cloud market. By the end of 2021, Gartner estimates that it will exceed $330 billion, up 23% just from last year.   The massive shift to the cloud in recent years has brought challenges for cloud […]

Breaking IT Down: AWS IAM Best Practices

Blog Breaking IT Down: AWS IAM Best Practices Cybersecurity has been the talk of the industry in recent months, for good reason. Recent ransomware attacks have shed light on our collective vulnerability, and it’s clear that American companies need to improve our cybersecurity posture. But cybersecurity is a huge umbrella term, filled with discussions on […]

Unlock 7 Key Benefits with an AWS Partner on Your Side

Blog Unlock 7 Key Benefits with an AWS Partner on Your Side Do you know the value of working with an AWS Partner?   To learn more about the AWS Partner Network, read the white paper!   Organizations that are a part of the AWS Partner Network are recognized for their deep knowledge and expertise […]

Ransomware & Why You Should Care

Blog Ransomware & Why You Should Care Ransomware has been the talk of the town for the last year, and that likely won’t end soon. These attacks jumped 485% in 2020. If you’ve waited in a long line for gas on the East Coast or tried to purchase beef at the grocery store in recent […]